Dream Chaser (A Dream-Hunter Novel, Book 3)

Dream Chaser - Sherrilyn Kenyon In case you are wondering... yes. The Dream Hunter/Dark Hunter books are all out of order on when they are being posted. There are two reasons for that. For one, it is because I started reading them with a limited time to get caught up for Time Untime 's release. So I purposely chose to skip some because they weren't absolutely necessary to the greater story arc. The other reason is that while Paperback Swap.com is a GREAT way to get books, you get them when you get them and there are no guarantees. So, since I didn't get the book I meant to review today yet, I moved up one I had read to this spot. :)

Having said that, I still read Dream Chaser after a little Dark Hunter break. I'd read about 12 in a row and needed to get a few other things read and to take a break from Kenyon's world. Once I did, I was afraid to go back to the world. I worried it wouldn't be as good once I was no longer immersed in it. But Dream Chaser pulled me back in perfectly. Ahhh, home sweet home!

For the full review, please go to http://thewindowseat13.blogspot.com/2012/08/sherrilyn-kenyon-dream-chaser.html