Roses in Moonlight

Roses in Moonlight - Lynn Kurland There are some authors that you just know. You know their style, you know their characters and you know you’re going to love their stories. Lynn Kurland has been that author for me ever since I picked up a Time Travel romance on a whim and was immediately caught up in her world of timeless chivalry and paranormal happenings. I have come to enjoy the recurring families of her books and eagerly awaited stories for some secondary characters who were tailor made for their own titles. Fortunately Ms. Kurland saw the potential in those characters too and her latest release Roses in Moonlight returns to the Scottish branches of her ever growing family trees to reintroduce us to Derrick Cameron and a side of him we never expected.

For seven years Derrick has been the right hand man to Lord Robert Cameron and an integral part of his business empire Cameron Antiquities, Ltd. Through Derrick’s expertise and discretion the company has become known for getting the very rare and valuable for the top collectors in England, as well as providing the resources to protect their investments. Derrick has seen both the legitimate and shady sides of the trade and over time it’s turned him into a cynical and jaded man who is hesitant to trust any but those in his close circle. When the company is asked to investigate the robbery of a valuable piece of Elizabethan lace from a valued client Derrick is certain it’s a cut and dry case. He traces the lace to a possible suspect, begins his surveillance, and lies in wait for the criminal to make their move so he can catch them red handed. What he doesn’t expect is that suspect number one doesn’t fit into any of his criminal molds and intrigues him more than any woman has in a long time.

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