The Importance of Being Wicked

Win comes into his own story having already put his years of debauchery and womanizing well in the past; however his reputation has a serious black mark that he cannot seem to lose no matter how many years have passed. Winfield’s infamy stems from three failed engagements, all of which he took the social blame for even though each of the partings was initiated by the fiancé. Where Win’s mistake was in each engagement was that he never allowed his heart to select the woman, choosing instead women who filled a certain need for him at the time or women that Win was certain he could eventually fall in love with if given enough time. Unfortunately with the failed engagements all hanging over his head, Winfield has been saddled with the very broad reputation of being “wicked” without having many of the pleasures that come with that stigma. When Win’s family’s manor home is gutted in a fire, it falls to him to arrange for an architectural firm to handle the rebuilding. The company chosen is Garret & Tempest, a smaller firm that has been building a name for themselves for reliable work as well as strong designs. When the representative of the company travels to Fairborough Hall to survey the retrofit work, Win is surprised to meet Lady Garret, a widow with a very formidable attitude towards the work and Win himself.
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