After the Storm (A KGI Novel)

Donovan Kelly is the computer geek out of the Kelly brothers and the brains behind the KGI operations. He has a weakness for women and children in bad situations and has devoted his life helping them. He has witnessed each of his brothers find love in different missions KGI has taken over the years and he is biding his time waiting for the woman that will capture his heart. Enter 24 year old Eve, who is on the run from her abusive step-father with her 17 year old half-brother, Travis, and her 4 year old half-sister, Cammie. Travis is given a part time job at the Kelly’s hardware story by Van’s adopted sister Rusty. Rusty realizes that not all is well at home with Travis so she and Van follow him home after work to find the family living in horrible conditions. Van falls instantly in love with Eve and her siblings but Eve is wanted by the law for kidnapping her half-siblings. Her step-father is wealthy and has false documents stating she is clinically insane. Van promises together they will find a way to get her siblings away from her step-father, clear her name, and become a real family….like 24 hours of meeting her (did you get the 24 hours after meeting her he wants them to be a family part).
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