Bite Me

In the latest addition to The Pride series, we have the story of a honey badger. Livy Kowalski is a badger and they have a few...quirks. They consume venom, they like to burrow, they steal, and in Livy's case, they tend to take over territory that is not their own. Though a respected photographer, Livy has slowly lost her edge. She has gone from artist, to sports photographer to the dreaded wedding photographer. When Livy's life starts to fall apart at the seams, she goes to the one place that she thinks she can be alone - to the home of her "acquaintance" Vic. Of course, she is welcome there to Vic because he thinks the two of them are friends, but to Livy, his home is just like any other. It has cabinets for her to burrow in and a significant supply of honey. So to her, when Vic isn't there at least, it is the perfect hideaway.
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