Rome (Marked Men, #3)

Rome Archer is the eldest of the Archer siblings. He was the consummate protector of his twin siblings Remy and Rule and their female constant Shaw. He was the rock of the family and the ultimate fighter for all that was needed. Rome went off to war and carried on his fierce persona as a field leader in the Army. When tragedy strikes at home and Remy is killed, exposing many hidden secrets within the family, he begins to unravel a bit. This is further perpetuated when he is wounded by an IED and sent home to heal. Rome is no longer a military man and he is struggling to come to grips with civilian life . He is especially struggling with finding the meaning in the tragedies surrounding him as well as his overall purpose in the world. His daily struggle is making him a shell of a man whose constant raw angry attitude is beginning to wear thin on the people who love him.
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